Delightful Deals


Special Offers

Looking for a good deal? Want a special offer? Here are some limited-time discounts that can save you money!

(Please note that restrictions and conditions apply to these offers. Just because an offer is listed here does not mean that it's still available. Special offers may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice.)

Special 50 / 50 offer for Charter Members

Use the Discount Code :


This is Pro Speaker YOU's Grand Opening and if you're one of the first 50 people to join Pro Speaker YOU, you save 50% on all your membership fees!

Balloons with SALE on them

⇒ A 50% discount! ⇐

⇒ Join the Journey for Half off! ⇐

With your "Charter Member" discount

Full membership in Pro Speaker YOU is

Only $75

(normally $150 — half off!)


continue your membership after the initial 2 months

Only $4.50 / month

for as long as you want! (Cancel anytime)
(normally $9 per month — again, half off!)

It's simple to get started moving "from free to fee". (And now you know how to save 50%!) Just....

Apply here to fill out the short form to set up your membership. (And be sure to enter CHARTER as your discount code to snag this special rate!)

That's it! There's nothing else to do. No waiting. No approvals. You get immediate access to the first Quest, Starting Your Pro Speaker's Business!

Please note that this special charter-member offer applies only to the first 50 people to join Pro Speaker YOU. After 50 uses, the CHARTER discount code will not be recognized, so don't procrastinate! Join today!